What You Need to Know Before Renting a Car

Planning to drive in Costa Rica? Learn about the unique challenges of Costa Rican roads, from potholes to passing on blind curves, and understand the local driving culture before renting a car.

Driving in Costa Rica: definitely an Adventure!

Are you an avid driver seeking a new thrill? Driving in Costa Rica could be just the adventure you're looking for. However, before you hit the road, it's essential to understand that the driving conditions here can be both exhilarating and daunting. From potholes to unpredictable drivers, here's what you need to know:

  1. Forget the Rolling Stops: While rolling stops may go unnoticed in the US, they're practically unheard of in Costa Rica. Here, a full stop at a stop sign is crucial, as failing to do so might result in a rear-end collision rather than a ticket.
  2. Embrace the Unexpected: In Costa Rica, passing on blind curves is not just common—it's almost expected. Be prepared for aggressive drivers maneuvering around slow-moving vehicles, and always anticipate the unexpected.
  3. It's All Part of the Game: Cutting off other drivers isn't a personal insult; it's just part of the local driving culture. Tailgating and quick maneuvers are all part of the game, so defensive driving is essential to stay safe.

Playing by Local Rules: If you're up for the challenge, remember to adapt to the local driving customs. Play the game but maintain a defensive stance, and don't take things too seriously. Expect the unexpected and be prepared to lose gracefully.

Renting a Car: Know the Terms: Before renting a car in Costa Rica, understand that rental policies here may differ significantly from those in the US. Familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions to ensure a smooth rental experience.

In summary, driving in Costa Rica can offer an exciting adventure for thrill-seekers. However, it's crucial to navigate the unique challenges of the road with caution and awareness. By understanding local driving customs and rental policies, you can enjoy your Costa Rican road trip safely and confidently.

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